Room Control System
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※ High Flexibility. Because no host machine is involved, you can combine your preferred control unit (function) at will.
※ Simple Wiring. The wiring is almost the same as traditional mechanical switches. The only difference is that need to add coaxial twisted wire between the switches, and need neutral line
for all switches.
※ High Stability. Because no networking is involved, and the switch is working independently and dispersedly, the control system is very stable and with low failure rate. If a certain switch
broke down, it would not affect the whole control system. You can just replace it with a mechanical one without affecting guest checking-in.
※ Low Input Cost. The input cost is only 1/3 of the traditional control system because you don’t need host machine.
※ Low Operating Cost. Because it is simple, a regular electrician can install and maintain the control system, no need extra pros. Besides, due to its high stability and low failure rate,
maintenance cost is also very low.